my food exposed

Lately I have been making an effort to visit new blogs, and I stumbled across Living To Feel Good which is Sarah’s blog who lives in California and is going back to school for nutrition. Her posts are about all sorts of topics, but the one which caught my eye was her challenge to have people post 3 days worth of their meals on their blogs so everyone can get new ideas about what to eat. I think this is great, and I am up for the challenge. So, make sure to check back here next Monday, September 10 when I will have my meals posted. You will get a bigger glimpse into my food world!

If anyone is interested in participating, check Sarah’s blog for the rules and let her know you will take part. Not much time left as the pics need to be up Monday morning!

2 thoughts on “my food exposed

  1. Oh, the reicipe for the soup would be awesome. I love soup. I also like the Tuna thing. You must do the foil trick- that sounds interesting. As you can tell I love food so this challenge Sarah did was so great for me!!!

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